On Thursday, 28 November, for the 25th year in a row, the Hanžeković Foundation awarded the best academic articles in the regular and student categories for 2024. 

The regular award – 6,500 euros, medal and diploma – goes to Ozana Nadoveza, from the Croatian National Bank and the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, for the article "Do increases in public sector wages affect inflation?".

The student award – 2,000 euros and diploma – goes to Noa Hinger and Lucija Rašić, from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, for the article "Pressure on interest rates on deposits in Croatia: national bonds or European Central Bank?".

The committee members for the 2024 annual Hanžeković Foundation award were Helena Blažić (Faculty of Economics and Business, Rijeka), Stipica Mudražija (School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, USA), Katarina Ott (Institute of Public Finance, Zagreb), Dagmar Radin (Faculty of Political Science, Zagreb) and Petar Sorić (Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb). 

The awarded articles will be published in the journal Public Sector Economics.


Photo: Željko Puhovski/Cropix

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